This site is in the process of being updated by Dr John WorldPeace JD | April 24, 2020
How can we manifest peace on earth if we do not include everyone
(all races, all religions, all nations, both genders) in our vision of peace?
We can't. Consider that A Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim vision of peace will
never manifest
WorldPeace because the dictates of all religious bureacracies are elitist and
and WorldPeace is an all inclusive secular democratic determination.
If I am a minority of one, the truth is still the truth. Dr Jwp JD
The Political Campaign of

Dr John WorldPeace JD
Independent Candidate for President 2020
FRIENDS, I want to point some things out to you that I am pretty sure that you have never really considered. The focus of my life has been to understand the nature of life. I was about 8 years old when someone told me that I was going to die. I remember thinking how stupid is that. Why would I come to a place where I was going to die. So I decided I needed to understand what this dying was all about. So I have spent virtually all my life searching out the answer to “What is life”
I have experienced a very successful life. I have three degrees in Political Science, Accountancy and Law. I have been married officially twice for 19 years each. I fathered 4 children with wife one. I took over the raising of my children when my wife abandoned the marriage in 1986. I am an Army Veteran 1970-2. I have been self-employed the majority of my career in insurance, accounting, tax, law and web design. I have written 60 books. I am an accomplished artist. I have studied Christianity all my life as well as the other major religions. I changed my name 30 years ago after my first divorce to John WorldPeace as a commitment to trying to increase the level of peace and WorldPeace in the world human society.
I have never ceased to study, meditate, and learn about life. I socialized little. I have never been one to use alcohol, drugs, or pot. I never cared for sports. I never had an interest in chasing women which seemed a waste of energy. I have been in a significant relationships with 4 women for 45 out of my 70 years.
The point of all this is that questions about why there is war and overpopulation and pollution and global warming and what is spirituality and religion and astronomy and such have dominated my entire life. Why are there different races, religions and nations and why is the core nature of human beings predatory? Why do people spend so much time accumulating things they cannot take with them in death?
As a result of my history and my education and life experiences, I have a better perspective on someone like Donald Trump who I consider essentially a worthless person manifesting a very dark soul. In all my businesses, I was dealing with solving people’s problems and solving business problems. I have interacted with thousands of people over the years helping them solve their problems and achieving their goals in life.
I can write a book about what I know about Donald Trump by simply having read his books and what he has said and what others have said about him which is a lot. Due to my experience and education, I can understand what he is really communicating when he speaks or acts. I have been writing about him almost every day for two years and most of what I have said about him turned out to be true when many said I was out of my mind and wrong. Well I was not wrong.
The world is in chaos and there is no candidate for President of the United States who is capable of leading America in this New Age in which we find ourselves other than myself.
Look at each of the candidates and you will see nothing but politicians as usual. Nothing but the same old election of elitist exclusive mindsets of those with enough money to put their straw man or woman in a position to advance their insatiable drive for wealth and power.
Politicians are those in every political system who have been foisted on the world who represent the demands of those in power to stay in power and to control and dominate the majority of human beings who walk the earth in a world human society that has little mercy. It is a primal world human society of domination by those who feel threatened by those who are not of their same race, same religion, same nation; those with an exclusive elitist mindset that discounts demeans murders and economically enslaves other human beings.
The foundations of the world human society will no longer support the primitive beliefs that have possessed and controlled all human beings since humans appeared on the earth.
An awakening is taking place in the world human society at such a rapid pace that the majority of human beings on the earth are going to experience the worse case scenario of books written about future dystopia societies.
We are about to find life existing all over our solar system and the universe. And that reality is going to undermine all religions who claim that our little earth is the only living island in the universe of truly countless solar systems; not to mention inter dimensional intelligent beings.
There is an old farcical alleged conflict between science and religion. There is no conflict. Science only believes in what it can prove. Religion believes in what science cannot yet prove. Where is the conflict? Religion speculates on everything that could possibly exist and science only discusses what has been proven in a mathematical rendition of the universe; a very incomplete rendition of an infinite universe. In fact, universe is a word that indicates that the universe is finite and has boundaries. Yet the universe is contained within something else that science will not even speculate about because its reach is not even as far as the edge of the universe much less outside it.
Science does not really make any statements about the intangible reality of heaven because presently there is no way to prove it. Science cannot disprove heaven. It just says that as far as science goes heaven cannot be proven, nor can an anthropomorphic super being, God, be proven. So mathematical geniuses like Stephen Hawking make stupid statements that God does not exist when there is no proof that God does not exist. Not being able to prove that God does not exist does not mean that God does not exist. Anyone who says God does not exists because we cannot prove God is simply foolish.
We live in an infinite dimension that had no beginning and will have no end. That is the truth. And what science knows about the Infinite Oneness is really and truly laughable in its insignificance.
Have you heard any politician discuss this issue?. Of course not. Why? Because they are politicians. They are not spiritualists, they are not religious bureaucrats, they are not poets, they are not artists, they are not Advocates for WorldPeace. Politicians are the straw men of powerful men and women who want to maintain their power: so they contribute to a straw man who will tell lies for the benefit of the real sources of power.
One positive thing is that all human beings die after a very short life. So the damage the powerful humans can do is limited.
But the point is that all those who are running for president are not qualified to lead America at this time.
What would qualify them?
First a thorough know of all the religions and spiritual teachings that presently dominate the world human society.
Second, an ability to create art as poems, novels, great works of art as hang in the Louvre in Paris. Art shows an ability to dream of things that are not but could be. Creative minds are what is need presently to allow the world human society to break out of the Caveman mentality.
Third, an understanding that the only way to achieve peace in the world is to consider all people as human beings and not profile them in terms of race, religion, nationality or gender. To profile others as of a certain religion, race, nationality or gender is an elitist exclusionary mindset. An American peace will never create world peace, A Christian peace will never create world peace, a white peace will never create world peace, a male peace will never create world peace.
How can we manifest peace on earth if we do not include everyone (all nations, all religions, all races, both genders) in our vision of peace? We cannot.
Fourth, an acknowledgement that almost all human beings love their families and want to provide for them. To think otherwise is nonsense.
Fifth, that when America denies its core foundational principles and supports an apartheid state like Israel that violates everything that America stands for, America is the adversary of world peace.
Sixth, that America is proof that all nations, all religions, all races, both genders can live in peace. When America begins to treat every human being as it treats Americans, world peace will be close at hand.
Seventh, that until every human being has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness there will be chaos in the world.
Eighth, the world is warming up and we are on a path to self destruction. We are sterilizing the planet of its great variety of species. We are fishing out the oceans. We are proceeding to turn this beautiful planet into a desert. Politicians who deny the world is warming up due to the use of fossil fuels are just the paid for sociopathic straw men and women of their supporters who care for little other than the accumulation of power and wealth.
The list global workable mindsets is almost infinite.
But the core qualification is based on the words of Jesus to do unto others as you would have done unto you. This means treat all human beings as Americans demand to be treated.
It is time for a change. It is not time to continue business as usual in selecting the next President of the United States. It is not time to elect another President whose only truth is that he or she was the best President money could elect.
We need to elect a President with a global view. A President that understands that prosperity for America is founded on prosperity for the rest of the world human society.
We need a President who understands that China will equal American in all ways within three decades or less.
We need a President who understands that the world of necessity is headed for a one world government and we need to apply American principles to its creation.
We need a President who is concerned for all the people of the United States and whose hands are not tied firmly by campaign dollars from those who believe that wealth and power determine right and wrong, truth and justice.
Every single candidate for President other than myself represents business as usual and business as usual is not going to insure the survival of America as the only hope for world peace. The best way to ensure the survival of America is to promote world peace which is what America lives within its borders every day.
John WorldPeace
May 9, 2015/ October 22, 2018/ December 28, 2018
"When Peace becomes our priority, WorldPeace will become our reality." Dr Jwp JD
"WorldPeace is not two things; but one. Therefore it should be written as one word!" Dr Jwp JD
"What do you think about apathy?" he asked. "Who cares", was the response.
"I am not a professional politician and if you really want change and justice and more peace in America and the world, I am the only choice for President of the United States in 2020." Dr Jwp JD
And Jesus said, "Love One Another & Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
What you see on this site is the new face of future political campaigns. On this site you will read my words and see my videos that are not ridiculously expensive marketing campaigns. What you see is a real person. What you read and see is what I have written and what I have said by way of websites and YouTube videos. You will come to feel in this 21st century format that you know me. You will be able to form a face to face opinion as opposed to an opinion foisted on you by the media. Not some skewed Hollywood image presented in high end political advertising. What you are going to read and hear are candid conversations and statements of what I believe; not what my political advisors feel I need to tell the public based on expensive high tech political polls.
Obama caught Hillary and the Republicans off guard in 2008 with his state of the art political campaign's use of the internet. 2015 is light years down the road from 2008 with regards to the power of the internet.
What you are going to see is an almost total confusion about the power of the internet among vetted candidates from the Democratic and Republican parties. They cannot shift an entire history of late 20th century political campaigns to the reality of Digital Natives whose block of votes will be decisive. All professional politicians are going to appear lost on the current political landscape for President 2020.
I am running a campaign that I alone am responsible for. I have no staff at this time. I have no professional advisors. I have no exploratory committee. Creating this website costs me nothing except my time. I am going to see what one man and in time a few assistants can accomplish with the use of the tools of the internet with minimum if any traditional local and national political ads. What can be achieved is the real question.
From my experience in running for governor of Texas for 2002, I found that the more ads a candidate runs in a particular media, the more favorable coverage that candidate gets in that media. What I also noticed is that the majority of major city newspapers are owned by one corporation and at least in Texas after reading stories about events that I had attended, all the articles had a core content that was the same in every major market and the individual reporters were allowed to brand it by only being allowed to modify the dictated article by 20%. I have no doubt this will be the same in a national campaign.
What this comes down to is that the major media conglomerants have an agenda and the power to promote that agenda nationally without the local citizens having any idea that they are being manipulated by very sophisticated polls that know exactly how to present complex ideas in 30 second sound bites in a nationwide public manipulation project.
The father of modern poltical propaganda manipulation was Dr Joseph Goebbels who was a German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. He was one of Adolf Hitler's closest associates. Goebbels earned a PhD from Heidelberg University in 1921 with a doctoral thesis on 19th-century literature of the Romantic school. In Berlin, Goebbels was able to give full expression to his genius for propaganda, as editor of the Berlin Nazi newspaper Der Angriff (The Attack) and as the author of a steady stream of Nazi posters and handbills. "He rose within a few months to be the city's most feared agitator. His propaganda techniques were totally cynical: "That propaganda is good which leads to success, and that is bad which fails to achieve the desired result," he wrote. "It is not propaganda's task to be intelligent, its task is to lead to success". (Credit Wikipedia)
Goebels acheived his public opinion manipulation without modern polling techniques and the super high tech computer analysis and the data bases of information of the search engines and social media who you can be assured sell or pass on member preferences to those who can further their agendas by way of manipulative propaganda.
* 150101 Twitter Covertly Manipulates Following Lists for Corporate ad dollars
* 150101 On Facebook you may be a guinea pig and not know it
I am not a conspiracy theorist. This is just the way it is in the 21st century. The only hope to break up this "Brave New World" "1984" reality is access to the internet for any individual so inclined to publish. "Who is John Galt?"
I have been uploading information to the internet for over 15 years. There are vetting documents in the top navigation panel on this site. There is an extensive "everything you want to know" about Dr John WorldPeace on my primary website at My life is an open book.
At this point, qualifications for President of the United States 2020 cannot be falsified or manufactured. I have lived a certain documented life and so have the other candidates. They are not qualified to be President of the United States because their primary focus has been political office. We are a global community now and professional politicians are not what is needed. The inability of Republicans and Democrats to work for the people was best exemplified with the government shutdown a year ago and the one in progress now (181228). The current candidates for President other than myself are professional politicians focused on control and power and not on what is best for Americans. Only what is best for their highest paying constituents.
With the powerful tools of the internet, times have changed. Within 6 months, those running for political office with eyes will see this new reality. They will be using the campaign techniques that I am laying out day by day. I am nothing special. I have just been paying attention to politics and the internet among other things for a real long time. By 2020, what I am doing will be the new reality for politicians. I believe it will result in more informed voters. I believe it will break the power lock of the multi billionaires on the world human society. I believe we are headed for a more just and sane world, thanks to the internet. But on that road we will have to endure abuse by predatory corporations and the super rich.
Dr John WorldPeace
150101 20:20
/ December 28, 2018
The following are under the Vetting Documents tab on the top navigation panel above. My name is John WorldPeace (one word) since April 5, 1988, and as far as I know the only person on the planet with the legal last name of WorldPeace, I was born on April 24, 1948, and Baptised at Heights Presbyterian Church on June 27, 1948. I graduated from High School on June 3, 1966. I have survived two 19 year marriages, fathered 4 children with wife one who are all around age 40 and have their own lives and with whom I long longer communicate. I served my country as a Sgt in the U S Army '70 - '72, I am an ex Mason and Shriner, and Mensan , I exited all organizations to which I belonged because I did not feel I could fairly advocate peace by being a member of any elitist exclusive organization.
I have degrees from the University of Houston in Political Science 1970, Accounting 1978 and Law 1984. I have a Doctor of Jurisprudence so I go by Dr John WorldPeace JD. I am a writer, poet and artist. I have been self employed the majority of my working career. I will never retire. I have overcome a major heart attack and prostate cancer. I have infinite faith and am pretty fearless but not foolish. I am an advocate for peace but not a pacifist.
I ran for governor of Texas in 2002 and as a result of my out spoken truth was disbarred after 20 years of practicing law and eventually spent a year in jail. (A US Deputy Marshal who was trying to serve an unrelated Civil Bench Warrant claimed I knocked him down and kicked him. I have no history of a fight with anyone. I pled guilty to a Federal Misdemeanor because no one can overcome a cop's testimony in court. I have never been arrested or even personally questioned about any criminal act outside this incident.) My prison journal will be on my site map. More on all of this in time. For now you can say I have my imprisonment bona fides as a peace activist.
I have never used illegal drugs and I drink so seldom that I can say I don't drink. I was not a hippie. But I was there on campus 1966 - 1970. After graduation from college I was immediately drafted into the U S Army for 19 months, trained as an infantry sergeant and sent to Vicenza, Italy by the grace of God, instead of Vietnam for which I was trained.
I wanted this website to prove that I was the first to declare my candadicy for President of the United States for 2020 and to publish my Platform to show how others will try to hijack it and claim some issues as their idea. I am in many ways a Populist candidate running as an independent. I don't think I am going to win simply because everyone will vote for WorldPeace, that theory went dead in 2002 in the Texas Governor's race.
I changed my name to John Worldpeace in 1988 and after living as John WorldPeace for 30 years I have learned a few things about peace. Number one is that for the most part people hate peace and they hate even more those who advocate it. That is the reality of the world human society. I doubt anyone can take two minutes to look at the news and not admit that there is some reason the world is so dysfunctional.
Why do people hate peace? Because they fear and hate change. "Injustice is OK as long as it does not affect my life; as long as it just applies to others" is the apathetic foundation of lack of concern and a determination not to change things no matter who suffers under the status quo.
I have had a website up since 1998 and there is a whole lot of information about John WorldPeaace on my various related websites that are linked to I built all my websites. I will be taking a lot of time editing them to get them responsive to questions that are going to be asked about me during this campaign. And like anyone who tries to do anything out of the ordinary in the world, there are some negative comments on the internet referencing me. With regards to those sites and comments, I would suggest that if someone has not signed their name to whatever has been written, you can just ignore it. I have put my name to every thing I have written on the internet. I disregard whatever is unsigned and unclaimed and always have.
Dr John WorldPeace JD 181228
Wikipeadia regarding the formation of a
U S DEPARTMENT OF PEACE and appointment of a Secretary of Peace - Click here I have no inclination to be a running mate for any other Presidentail candidate. I dont want to be Vice President. I have other things I want to do and one political thing in particular. And that is to become the first Secretary of Peace in a newly formed Department of Peace. As far as I am concerned I am the only potential candidate for such office who is not affiliated with any organization. My mindset is global. No one has my credentials which are perfect for a Department of Peace.
My opinion is that the best platform for Peace Advocacy would be as Secretary of Peace in a US Department of Peace. An idea that goes back to 1793 with the founding fathers but laid dormant until 1925. An idea whose time to be initiated has come.
This would promote a second tier group of secretaries of state who could communicate on a different and probably more effective level from any similar Peace Department at the United Nations.
This website will be edited and expanded daily. I, John WorldPeace, am solely responsible for its content at this time. I am responsible for the content and the design and programming of this website.
Just email me and I will respond. I am not going to create a blog because I can't keep up with all the threads. I will create a FAQ page and a Q & A page. Just email me at with your comments and questions..
Dr John WorldPeace
October 22, 2018