
Hello, my name is Dr John WorldPeace JD.
When I was 8 I felt I had some global agenda to pursue but I had no idea what that was. In 1987, when my first wife of 19 years, abandoned our marriage and 4 children, I decided to change my name to remind me that I was living a new life. I chose John WorldPeace because I had begun writing a novel the year before titled John World Peace.
Two days before changing my name I was talking with an acquaintance and told her I was changing my name. She suggested I become John WorldPeace as opposed to John World Peace because there are a lot of people named John Peace. I followed her advice.
At that point, I assumed my global agenda had something to do with Peace. Over time, I have come to more clearly see a path to that agenda. It is now time for me to significantly increase my efforts in the peace and world peace arena.
In 1966, just before I graduated from high school I visited the school counselor to take some aptitude tests. When she walked away from the desk, I saw a newspaper cutout under the glass on her desk. It was by Robert Frost and what was there said:
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood wood, and I ---
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
I followed that vision.
And this by Theodore Roosevelt defines a foundational part of my mindset.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worth cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
See the Vetting Documents in the top navigation panel above to verify the below.
- I am an Advocate for Peace but I am not a Pacifist.
- Age: 70: b. 1948
- Marital Status: Divorced: 4 children, 9 grand children. Presently: Single live alone
- Education: BA Political Science 1970; Bachelor of Accountancy 1978; Doctor of Jurisprudence 1984:
All from the University of Houston (Texas) Central Campus.
For the 10 years of college I worked full time and went to school full time from 1966 to 1969. I married in 1969 and went to school full time until graduation in August 1970. I was drafted and reported for duty in October 1970. May of 1972 I was discharged from the Army. 1972 to 1977 I worked in my own insurance business and raised 4 children with wife one and acquired my Charter Life Underwriter CLU 1975 & Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter CPCU 1978 (each designation required 30 college hours equivalent in insurance studies along with 3 years of working experience in each of the fields) . 1977 to 1980, I worked full time for various companies as an accountant, and went back to school full time, raised 4 children with wife one. 1981 to 1984 I worked full time in my own accounting and tax business, raised 4 children with wife one, and went to school full time until August 1984 when I graduated from Law School. In 1985 I passed the Bar and began to practice law along with accounting and tax in my own businesses. On January 1, 1986, wife one wanted a divorce. We divorced in 1987 after being together for 19 years.
I gave her the accounting business, primary custody of the children, and our house. I took the Law and Tax business. 1988 she abandoned the children. I met wife two and I shut down the tax business and quit taking any new law business and lived off residuals until my youngest son graduated from high school in 1995. In 1996, wife two and I came back to Houston from Denver where we had moved in 1993 to get away from wife one. I reopened my law business.
Career: From 1972 to present; self employed 90% of the time providing services to small businesses in Insurance (8 years), Accounting & Tax (13 years), Law (20 years) & Web Design (20 years) (some business services overlapping in time)
Military: U S Army Sgt 1970-1972. In 1966 when I started college the Vietnam draft was a reality of a growing war. I knew if the war was not over in 1970, I would be going into the Army. So I applied for Air National Guard located at the old Ellington Air Force Base in Houston. It was the unit that George W. Bush was flying in to avoiding Vietnam. In 1968, I got a call to come and sign up. I decided I did not want to be a weekend warrior and turned it down. In 1969, I signed up for Marine Corp OCS. And in early 1970 I was discharged from that program because the Vietnam War was winding down and only men with an engineering degree were allowed in the OCS program. When they held the lottery for the Vietnam draft in 1969 based on birthdays, my number was 2. So I knew as soon as I graduated from college in August of 1970 I would be drafted. After I graduated, I volunteered for the draft and left for the Army on October 12, 1970. On October 15, I got a call from the Marines who said I could go into OCS in March of 1971. I told them I was already in the Army and was not going to discharge and wait around another 6 months to begin my service. I could not trust them not to change the OCS program again. In boot camp at Fort Polk Louisiana, half the men were college graduates and the rest were men they dug out of the backwoods of Arkansas, Mississippi and Alabama. After 8 weeks of boot camp, I was sent to North Fort Polk for Advanced Infantry Training. They were sending 2000 men a week to Vietnam from Ft Polk. In December 1970, I volunteered to go to NCO school which meant I would not go to Vietnam in March of 1970 but after additional 26 weeks of infantry training go to Vietnam in September. The school graduated 165 sergeants every two weeks and had done so since 1965. The school at Ft. Benning Georgia, was strictly set up to put more NCOs on the ground in Vietnam to hopefully reduce the high rate of casualties in the field. I had a chance to go Airborne and Special Forces at Ft Benning but I wanted to go back to Fort Polk after NCO training so I could go home every weekend during the last 12 weeks of training. In September 1971, I reported to Ft Dix New Jersey to ship out to Vietnam. When I arrived at the receiving station I was miraculously sent to the Southern European Task Force (NATO) in Vicenza, Italy. I was there until May 1972 when I was discharged 5 months early because Nixon was honoring his promise to get America out of Vietnam. So I was drafted, made sergeant, went to Italy, and was discharged 5 months early and only served 19 months instead of 24. And there were enough men volunteering for weekend warrior that I did not have to do that for the balance of my 6 year obligation.
John WorldPeace Military legacy: (From family history handed down to me. I was told as a child that my sister, mother, grandmother were eligible to join the (DAR) Daughters of the American Revolution which I never personally verified. Copies of documents I have do seem to verify the lineage.) William Rountree died 1776 (Ameican Revolutionary War); William Rountree; Mary Rountree Wilbourn; Dracus Lucinda Wilbourn Nance; Clarienda Emaline Frances Nance McPherson wife of Dr Rhese Reed McPherson (Surgeon Confederate States America); Charles Wilson MacPherson who I remember died 1954 at 99 when I was 6: Charles Adrian MacPherson; Esther Bryan MacPherson Ellis: Joyce Elaine Ellis Wolter; Kenneth Edward Wolter (John WorldPeace)
My father was a U S Army Staff Sgt at the end of World War Two who processed the Korean ex-patriots from China back into Korea at the end of World War Two.

My Father 1945-47; Myself 1970-72; My three sons between the two Iraq wars.
Commitment as Peace Advocate: Changed name to John WorldPeace April 1988. In 1988, I changed my birth name from Kenneth Edward Wolter to my legal name John WorldPeace
on April 1, 1988, both April Fool's day and Good Friday.
When I changed my name I withdrew from:
The Masonic Lodge and Shriner's
and all other organizations I was a member of. (not American citizenship - citizenship is required and dictated by place of birth: not the State Bar of Texas because it is required to practice law)
I believe that all memberships create an exclusive elitist mindset and WorldPeace is democratic and all inclusive.
I thought if I changed my name to WorldPeace that when people said my name, heard my name, wrote my name they would have to think about Peace and WorldPeace even for a moment. If I did nothing else to increase the peace in the world human society this would be something.
- As I related above, 1) I have a Political Science degree and I have run for political office. I have experience to bolster my education.
2) I practiced law for 20 years and I have experience in the truth about the justice system in America. 3)
I have experience of attending church virtually every Sunday until I started college and I have reorganized the Gospels of the New Testament, and re interpreted all the foundational texts of all the major religions of the world.
So in the three areas of increasing the peace (the law, politics and religion) I have the education and the experience to give me credibility as someone who has something to say.
- Further, I am the only peace advocate who is not oriented in any religion, politics or race or gender.
I am an American because I was born in America to American parents. I am white because my genetics are white. I began life as a Christian because my parents were Christians. I define Christian as a member of a Christian Church. I am a follower of and believer in the teachings of Jesus but I am not a Christian because I do not belong to any church.
- Peace Advocacy bolstered by being a Political Prisoner: Political Campaign: 2000-2002 Ran for Governor of Texas as a Democrat. Wikipedia 2002 Primary and Election results.
I received 20,000 votes in the primary.
In retribution for my attacks on the Democratic Party of Texas I was disbarred and sentenced to 6 months in jail by a corrupt Red Neck judge from north Texas assigned to do the dirty work of seeing to it that I was disbarred. (Also illegally disbarred (Judge had no jurisdiction because he was not appointed by Supreme Court of Texas to hear 5 of the 6 complaints against me and because the State Bar never pled for disbarment but only monetary damages. The disbarment is Void but as yet not appealed. The judgment being void for lack of jurisdiction, there is no statute of limitations for appeal in the Federal Courts.)
In 2007, I was falsely accused by a Deputy US Marshall of knocking him down and kicking him when he was trying to serve me a Civil (Not Criminal) Bench warrant.
A federal judge who I disrespected during the Democratic Primary took charge of my case illegally and sentenced me to a year in jail under a Misdemeanor resisting arrest charge.
I have never been in a fight in my life but I plead guilty because I knew no one wins in court against a cop's testimony.
I served six months in the Harris County Jail on the State Bar warrant which ran concurrent with the Federal sentence, then I was moved to a Federal Contract prison in Falfurrias, Texas, where I was held in solitary confinement (administrative segregation) for the six months left on my Federal sentence. I was not allowed out of my cell for more that 13 hours in 6 months.
While in prison, I read 55 books, and wrote 8 more. This seems to be typical of political prisoners, ie Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King to name a few.
I am one of the few peace advocates who has his bona fides as a polical prisoner due to my illegal imprisonment for my political acts.
A Campaign Placard
In 2002 the Texas Democratic Party decided it was time for a Hispanic governor. So they got behind Tony Sanchez who had been a $500,000 Pioneer contributor to George W. Bush. Yes a Republican. Tony Sanchez owned Tesoro S&L and made money on the bailout. And he was being investigation by the Feds for laundering $25 million in Mexican Cartel money through that S & L. As an opponent the Democrats selected Dan Morales ex Texas Attorney General who won the billion dollar suit against the cigarette companies and then colluded with his attorney friend to try to steal hundreds of billions from the award to the State. Then Dan married a stripper. (Eventually he went to jail for 5 years I believe).
I kept saying that Texans were generally biased against Hispanics (going back to the Alamo in 1836) and they would never put a corrupt Sanchez or Criminal to be Dan Morales in the governor’s mansion. I would not shut up about it. I went to many political rallies and would not shut up.
The problem was the Tony Sanchez was worth $500 million and was spreading money around all through the state from the top to bottom of the Democratic chairs. He spent $64 million on a governor”s race that never saw more than $8 million. The chair of the Democratic Party in Texas was another ex-Bush key supporter. I said Sanchez could not win no matter how much money he spent. In the election against Rick Perry, he only got 40% of the vote. see. Wikipedia 2002 Primary and Election results.
I also sued in federal court because I was barred from a Hispanic only debate on Telemundo TV. I lost of course. The Texas Democratic Party could not touch me while I was running so they waited until after the election and them came after my State Bar License and got it. The Federal judge who I confronted about Telemundo had himself appointed over the back end parts of prosecution and put me in jail for a year but not before he spent six months trying to undo my misdemeanor plea agreement. There is a whole lot more but that should answer your question about the foundation of my disbarment and eventual incarceration.
I also said that Texas would never put an ex stripper in the governor’s mansion nor make her first lady of Texas. Different mentality in Texas than in the United States about sexual exhibition as in the present First Lady in the White House. I also said if the Democrats stayed on course it would end the Democratic Party in Texas. It did.
You have to understand that Texas was a Lincoln Republican state and went Democratic during Reconstruction along with the rest of the Southern states. It was just a matter of time before Texas went back to their its Republican colors. The Republicans were laughing all the way at the Democrats. Especially Karl Rove who Blue Washed two died in the wool Red Republicans and sent them over to the stupid corrupt Texas Democratic Party at that time. And they jumped on the money.
- Personal Habits: I have always had virtual unlimited energy and I do not expect that to fade. My family genetics have long lived genes and I fully expect to live beyond 100. Since age 13 I have exercised regularly, I have never smoked, used recreational drugs or marijuana, and drink alcohol so seldom that I can say in good conscious that I do not drink. I will never retire. There is a good chance I will die working. Per Helen Keller, "Life is a daring adventure, or nothing." I will live completely until I die and even then I will not go quietly into that good night.
- Other: 35 books written, 2500 poems, 100 paintings
- My military duty gave me basically 100% medical coverage in addition to about $65,000 in for education which I used to acquire a 5 year Bachelor of Accountancy and a Doctor of Jurisprudence. In December 1997, when I was 49 and in excellent shape but not healthy due to a cholorestoral buildup, I had a major heart attack. When I got to the ER the doctor told me I had 30 minutes to live but he had an experimental drug that would kill me anyway, vegetate my mind or save my life. But my heart was shutting down and if I did nothing I would be dead in 30 minutes. I took the shot and survived. But I lost 20% of my heart and refused the bypass and went on a zero choloresterol diet against the doctors advice. I was aware of all the symptoms of a heart attack. In January 2016 I was at the VA to get an MRI because of severe vertigo I was experiencing among many other health issues. While I was at the VA I began to have a shortness of breath that I could not overcome. I walked to the ER. Insisted on an EKG. They found I was right at the threshold of another heart attack. They did an angiogram, said all my major heart arteries were blocked and I had to have a bypass. All my ailments, which were many, went away. In July they installed a pace maker for the purpose of reviving me in case of another heart attack and only marginally to adjust my heart beat. The healing I experienced was with the pacemaker was equal to the healing I had with the bypass. I tell people now I am 69 going on 40. I have no health issues. I survived these two events because in part I kept in shape my whole life and did not smoke, drink or do drugs of any kind.
- I came within 10 seconds of drowning in Galveston in 1966; was drafted in 1970 and even though trained for 11 months to go to Vietnam as an infantry sergeant, did not; was at death's door in 1997 and 2016 due to my heart. One thing I learned in 1997, is that I have no fear of death. I have always had a very strong faith in God. The fact that I was close to death and aware I was about to die in 1997 and 2016 as well, I had no fear or concern about it. I plan on living past 100 and it is good to know whenever the time comes that I will be still be wanting more time but not concerned if I am not allowed it.
I am fearless but not foolish.
My life is an open book. See:
www.facebook.com/john.worldpeace.3 or just search “John WorldPeace”
Dr John WorldPeace JD
November 16, 2014 20:13; 171021 / 181228
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